The Best Information on COVID-19, One Click Away  


The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many doubts in the community, and healthcare professionals are in need of continuous training and research. As some questions get answered, new ones come up. Moreover, it has become a real challenge to determine which sources of information are reliable among so many others that viralize myths, fake news, and even health recommendations with no scientific basis, which can put people at serious health risk. #FunceiResponde is the hashtag used by specialists at Doctor Stamboulian’s team to answer the most frequently asked questions and to publish useful resources in Spanish for every audience.

On a single webpage “Coronavirus, recursos para comunidad” (Coronavirus: Resourses for the Community) at FUNCEI’s website, visitors can access a collection of useful resources published by the Argentinian Ministry of Health, by scientific societies from that country, or by the Pan American Health Organization. They can also find there articles and documents created by FUNCEI professionals, supplemented by a series of videos available at 
FUNCEI’s YouTube channel
, under the hashtag #FunceiResponde.

At FUNCEI’s YouTube channel, specialists answer the most frequently
asked questions about the new coronavirus.

Healthcare workers will find two webpages worthy of their attention. The first one is “Coronavirus, recursos para profesionales de la salud” (Coronavirus: Resourses for Healthcare Professionals), which gathers protocols, materials, and guidelines from public institutions and scientific societies for physicians of different specialties, pharmacists, and nurses. Moreover, a special webpage collects resources for ophthalmologists, among which are the specific guidelines for management of patients with maculopathy during the pandemic. Doctor Stamboulian, Ana Paula Cordero, and Marisa Rina López of FUNCEI participated in its creation.

#FunceiResponde is led by Francesco Garabello, Science Journalist, and Gustavo Lopardo and Isabel Cassetti, Infectious Disease Specialists at FUNCEI, among other experts. 

A Collaborative Communication Network on  COVID-19

Simultaneously, FUNCEI is actively working on a unified resource center for the general population and for healthcare professionals, called Funcei informa sobre coronavirus (Funcei Informs on Coronavirus). It is backed by the Foundation’s over thirty years of experience, the expertise of its multidisciplinary team, and a collaborative network made up by FIDEC and other prestigious institutions from Argentina:

  • Fundación Helios Salud. 
  • Confederación Farmacéutica Argentina.
  • Sociedad Argentina de Neumonología.
  • Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva.
  • Sociedad Argentina de Hipertensión Arterial.
  • International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) de Argentina.
  • Asociación Argentina de Kinesiología.
  • Grupo Asesor de Control de Infecciones y Epidemiología (Dir. Stella Maimone).
  • Facultad de Medicina de la Fundación H. A. Barceló.
  • InfoAlimentos (Consejo Argentino sobre Seguridad de Alimentos y Nutrición).

Which Resources Are Available?

  • Materials aimed at the community in general and at people at greater risk of complications from the new coronavirus, coronavirus prevention material and news, and physical and mental health recommendations for the different stages of social isolation.
  • Protocols, courses, and updates on COVID-19 for biochemists, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, physicians, nutritionists, dentists, ophthalmologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Scientific breakthroughs and developments.
  • Special reports with in-depth analysis.

Under the direction of Daniel Stamboulian, the web development and content creation are in charge of Ana Paula Cordero, Science Journalist at FUNCEI. There is also an ongoing collaboration with a group of specialists from FUNCEI 
and institutions of reference.